People who hate every that ain’t like them

Greetings, and welcome to today’s Author News 16 June 2021

There are these people who hate every that ain’t like them.

I think most people in this world are nice. But then there are these people who hate every that ain’t like them and these Narcs see these people as lesser as them.

After my divorce, I was still in grief, but I was also happy with my new man I loved so much. What I still didn’t know was that my new boyfriend was very delusional as well as a massive liar. He thought he was the best life coach and the perfect therapist there that existed in this world. He just loved to get the grand attention and I massively gave it to him. But what I didn’t realise it was all about his manipulation and to him it was all wrong what I did.

  • Play by his rules!
  • Submit to him!
  • He is always right!
  • Gaslighting!
  • He is so talented at playing the victim.
  • The jealousy of his behaviour when I talked to others, was outrageous.
  • Often I didn’t know what I had done wrong. His anger showed when he believed I crossed him the wrong way unless it benefited him; then he was the most loving and empathetic person in my life. I worked my ass off to love him. To follow him when he wanted to move on to the next country and I provided everything for him, so what more could I do for him?

Author: M. L. Stark

I am M. L. Stark, and within the pages of "HUGGER MUGGER: The Con Man Smile" and "MAZE AFLAME: Flimflam Man," I pour out the fiery essence of my very soul. These books are not just ink on paper; they are the embodiment of my triumph over the darkest shadows of my past. Through the flickering flames of adversity, I have risen, crafting tales that echo the resilient beat of my heart. Every word penned is a testament to the strength I discovered within myself, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. I have dared to bare my scars, to expose the rawness of my wounds, for I know that in sharing my journey, I offer hope to those who may tread a similar path. And as I close each chapter, I am reminded of the immortal words of Bob Marley: "The biggest coward is a man who awakens a woman’s love without the intention of loving her." These words resonate within me, fueling my passion to shine a light on the darkness, to empower those who have been wronged, and to stand as a beacon of love and resilience in a world that too often seeks to extinguish the flames of hope. You can follow me on Facebook or Twitter.

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