The idea of starting afresh!
Happy New Year! As we leave the old year behind, the idea of starting afresh may seem great to many of us. Some of us will explore what makes you happy. Maybe finding a better work-life. Or finding calm and peace in our life.
The Spirit in me and meets the same Spirit in you’
Antahkaraṇa; meaning conscience is the part of your mind that tells you if what you are doing is wrong. It is defined as either the link between the body and the spirit. Or the bridge between the middle and higher mind. I believe most people possess such conscience and being pure at heart. And having a true commitment towards something and a pure inner self.
“Briefly, for those of you that do not know, the Piscean Age. It was the age of disempowerment. The age where you were told what to do. When to do it. And with whom and how to do it. You were literally puppets on a string.
The Aquarian Age of Empowerment is the exact opposite of that. Many people have been very afraid to take responsibility for their life. Simply because they do not know what they are capable of. Who they are. And how to move beyond the comfort zones they find themselves in.” – Kuthumi Agrippa
I wish you all a Happy and a prosperous New Year.
HUGGER MUGGER: The Con Man Smile – Part 1
Maze Aflame: Flimflam Man – Part 2