It’s more than difficult to understand what an author must endure and what goes through people’s mindset when there appear several weird threats from strangers on onesFacebook. Especially those personalities I don’t know. Also, those who hide behind off what I believe is a fake Facebook account with a morbid FB post; it reminds me of a sadistic person like Pol Pot or Adolf Hitler. 

Greeting, and welcome to today’s Author News April 27th, 2021

Well, at least this is what I think of these morbid threats from strangers appearing on my Facebook account. I read the alerting message in Danish and English: “F*cking Hell. Check your messenger.” 

Why is  this profile attacking me so rudely on a peaceful day?

On a lovely Sunday morning, I woke up after a peaceful sleep.

When, I opened my balcony door, I enjoyed listening to the lovely sound of the waves crashing on Bournemouth Beach. Next, I grab my fresh brewed coffee from the kitchens countertop and thereafter go back to the balcony. Foremost, I want to enjoy the sun and the view of the mesmerising ocean in my front yard. 

As usual, I then turn on my phone. First checking emails. Second, the BBC News. Thereafter my Instagram. And finally, my Facebook. Up pops morbid threats from strangers.

It strikes me! Wow! Sometimes other people can truly pull the teeth out of any normal person. Normally, and what I believe is decent people who respect others, do not do as what I now must endure in my life being an author whilst I am enjoying the lovely Sunday morning.

Morbid post from ‘Burningdesire Failed’

Hatred of other people does not work so well on me. Why not? You see, it’s because I can’t hate. 

Shockingly, I’m glaring at all these morbid posts from ‘Burningdesire Failed’. It made me almost choke on my morning coffee reading threats from strangers.

Thereafter I immediately ponder off a dangerous malignant narcissist. So what is that? Let me tell you! And please take it seriously; this is a person who is more dangerous than psychopaths or sociopaths.

In my mind this morbid post and threat from ‘Burningdesire Failed’ also reminds me of a sadistic person like Pol Pot or Adolf Hitler. In the same way as Ted Bundy, who was fueled by anger and hatred to the entire world. Also, of their hatred of women. And now I must endure such anger and hatred from these murky posts from ‘Burningdesire Failed’ I don’t even know who ‘Burningdesire Failed’ is! However, it is darkening threats from strangers.


Poor emotional impulse control.

It reminds me about my ex-boyfriend who was enslaved by his own need to always manipulate me. And constantly to hate me behind his devious, yet his stunning brown eyes. I know it too well! Literally every word that came out of his filthy mouth was a lie. Was he the one behind the treats from strangers? 

While some can be “high-functioning” in the sense that he could blend into society, well, he certainly could for a short time. But he was also “low-functioning” because of his extremely poor emotional impulse control

Such people want to control you, and having you deceived. They want you under their control because of lies is dangerous to the person being lied to. That is when narcs become dangerous, they are ruthless and uncaring. They use and discard people at will, with no regard to feelings and thereafter they threat you appearing behind the mask of strangers.

I’m used to such people trying to intimidate me. Also in the same way as these grim posts with threats from ‘Burningdesire Failed’ now try to intimidate me. 

I know it too well! You see, it’s because my ex-boyfriend couldn’t control himself. I was under constant attack by him for the entirety of our relationship. And now he hides behind his murky mask appearing with threats so it looks like it is coming from strangers.

Regarding knowledge about Psychopaths!

By now I have been regaining a certain amount of knowledge about psychopaths. That knowledge has indeed empowered me to reinforce my boundaries towards threats and pariahs. Furthermore, it has also prepped me not to react on such stupidness as those threats from strangers written in these messages.

As a matter of fact, I truly find these threats laughable. A psychopathic performance from ‘Burningdesire Failed’, whom I think of as a dangerous malignant narcissist. What is their goal with this game?

Yet, I must share these threats from strangers with others!

In special with other women of whom I’m sure must endure the same as I now must endure from what I believe is a malignant narcissist. And worst, it’s from a person I don’t even know. 

So how does these strangers know me?

And, why do I want to share this with others?

Frankly, I don’t know!

I think you should know

In other words, it’s not always a straightforward task to be an author. Or to be a woman the narcissistic psychopath enjoyed controlling. Therefore, I think you should know about it. Arguing with a Narcissist is like getting arrested. Everything you say, that can and will use it against you. 

Nor was it easy during the writing process of my books BURNING DESIRE – Part 1 and BURNING DESIRE FADES – Part 2 – from the Trilogy: The Psychopath and the Girl in Black Prada Shoes. Nor was it easy during the publishing process. And I think you should know, it’s not a simple task, even after I released the books. So why is it so? In conclusion, the message is quite clear in this article, since they’re such mean people out there, writing such mean things.

A succes

Also, I think you should know, BURNING DESIRE – Part 1 and BURNING DESIRE FADES – Part 2 – from the Trilogy: The Psychopath and the Girl in Black Prada Shoes, DID NOT FAIL.

It’ is actually a massive success both in US, UK and in Australia, because many women and also men can relate to the subject.

In an article, shemazing.net wrote: M.L. Stark calls out the hallmarks of abuse, citing unequal power balances, unequal monetary situations and low self-esteem as facilitators of abuse and warns against the signs of narcissism. Lack of boundaries, respect and self-control all starts as small issues that gradually grow to encompass the entire relationship, until there seems to be no way out.

The little man-child

However, I actually get mild amusement from reading the post from ‘Burningdesire Failed’ and other similar post like the one above. 

Mostly because the profiles behaves like some 3-year-old scorned children. The little man-child never got his ice cream and the little she-child never got her reward licking on her lollipop!

To put it in another way:

‘Burningdesire Failed’ might fool hundreds of people into believing that I’m something which in reality I’m not. However, I can recognise what kind of person ‘Burningdesire Failed’ is under all that BS.

However, I actually get mild amusement from reading the post from ‘Burningdesire Failed’. Mostly because the profile behaves like a 3-year-old scorned child. The little man-child never got his lollipop!

‘Burningdesire Failed’ might fool hundreds of people into believing that I’m something which in reality I’m not. However, I can recognise what kind of person ‘Burningdesire Failed’ is under all that BS.


You can order your copy here:

AMAZON – Burning Desire Part 1

AMAZON – Burning Desire Fades Part 2

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